Multimedia Components

eConsent Feedback Form

  • TransCelerate BioPharma Inc. may contact you by email to provide input on future eConsent materials.

There are various multimedia components that could potentially be used in eConsent based on what is currently available to sponsors and what is considered mainstream. As technology evolves and matures, the depth and breadth of these multimedia components will grow. It is at the discretion of the sponsor to decide whether and how to implement each multimedia component during eConsent design.

Tools and Resources
Multimedia Tiered Approach

Includes essential elements in a concise main section and more detailed information in later subsections


Provides a visual and potentially audio overview of the study and promotes better understanding of the selected content for the participant


Voiceover of consent document or other components; voice response elements

Pictures and Diagrams

Visual aids to help explain and reinforce key study components or complex topics

Summary Boxes

Key idea reinforced and highlighted in one to two sentences

Knowledge Review

Short set of questions that the participant is asked that highlights key information


Glossary is a list of selected terms defined by the sponsor

Content Flags

Allows participant to select words/sections to come back to for questions

Comment Boxes, Free Text Fields, and Patient Note Logs

Allows sites or participants to record notes or questions

Chapter/Section or Continuous Content Views

Allows content to be broken into sections or viewed as a single document

Section-based Participant Attestation

Allows participants to acknowledge understanding of specific sections

Electronic Signature

Electronic method of authentication, including fingerprint scan, etc.

Looking for more?

For more detailed information, including benefits and guidance for implementation for the individual multimedia components refer to the TransCelerate eConsent Implementation.

Click on each section to navigate through the content.
What is eConsent?
Multimedia Components
Implementation Guidance
Supporting Tools & Resources

More About eConsent

Thank you!

TransCelerate's solutions are designed through a collaborative process in which thought leaders from member companies participate. Integral to the development of these perspectives is our engagement and robust partnerships with organizations across the ecosystem.

Thank you to the patients, sites, ethics committees and institutional review boards, clinical research organizations, health authorities, and technology providers that have helped us create these valuable insights on eConsent for the industry.
