Better Understanding Technology Use to Achieve Patient-centric Objectives
Featured Solution: Patient Technology Implementation Framework
“The Clinical Innovation (CI) team within our company is responsible for the implementation of digital patient-facing technologies (DPFT) in the clinical studies. CI worked closely with two study teams who were interested in leveraging DPFTs. CI utilized the patient technology implementation framework as a roadmap to avoid redundancy while accelerating internal due diligence processes and overall timelines.
The two assets that were utilized the most were: the patient technology discussion guide & the patient considerations. These assets helped study teams and CI to leverage technology while underscoring a patient-centric mindset. The patient technology discussion guide was leveraged by CI to think strategically while having an inclusive and detailed plan when working with internal and external stakeholders. This document enabled the users to wear multiple hats while determine the best technology to be used by patients in the study. It also helped CI to think not only on the patients’ needs but also in the investigators and site staff’s needs as well. By following this guide CI made sure that technology did not impose significant work in participating sites nor patients. Finally, incorporating this document in our processes helped us to expedite the internal vetting process from months to weeks. In reference to the patient consideration asset, it entails a list of questions that study teams must leverage to make sure that any potential technology being incorporated in the study brings true value to patients, diminishes burden, and does not impact negatively their safety nor compliance with study procedures. CI used this asset to secure that the potential DPFT to be included in the study is actually bringing true value to participating patients.
This was accomplished by asking multiple questions to study teams and their stakeholders that came directly from patients. Hence, this approach reinforcing that the voice of patients are truly being heard and implemented by the sponsor in their DPFT solutions. Finally, CI used these questions to put together a survey during the duration of the study for gathering insight from participating patients. This questionnaire will be an important source of data to perform any necessary changes to the DPFT to secure it fulfills its patient-centric objective.”
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